So I’ve been hit with a pretty nasty bug. A week into it, I finally conceded defeat – man, I hate getting beaten by a stupid cold! – and went to the doctor. He decided I needed two antibiotics, a cortizon shot, a cough syrrup, and a cream – well, that was because I’ve got a charming under-the-nose rash, which is so wonderful to have in the best of times, but 29 days before the wedding… NOT acceptable!
John has now been hit by the bug, and I’m pretty much of the opinion he should not wait as long as I did to doc-it-up.
The table chart has been created. That is not a pleasant task, I assure you! But it is done. The place cards have been put in their draft format, and they are going to be very cute. Each one has the name, the “clan” assignment, and a sample of the clan tartan. Now, we just have to make them fit inside the design of the place cards themselves, but John is the graphic genius and he’s handling that.
Tomorrow, my mom and I go shopping for a dress for me to wear to the bridal shower sunday, so I’m rather excited about that. Then next Saturday, it’s a hair trial! Soon after that, the make up trial. John and I will soon need to go get our marriage license—we’re under 30 days. We can now do that at any time.