Monday, June 29, 2009

Wedding Invitations

Firstly, my wrist is beginning to hurt.  Not right at this moment, mind, but whenever it sees that I am forcing it to get out the invitation box, I can almost hear it screaming.

Today, I put the address on 40 (yes.. 40) of my response cards.  And I put ribbons in 10 invites.  Considering John had at them earlier, we have ribboned up 80 of the 100 invites.  So, I think I can safely continue actually addressing tomorrow….especially since I’ll have the waxer with me.

Oh … did I mention… the envelopes themselves kinda look like an owl from Hogwarts (what with the wax seal and all).   I think they are super adorable, and I probably should take a picture (for posterity, of course) and post them here.

John’s ship is coming along too.  We made cannons.

Things are beginning to be checked off.  I am currently not in panic mode, though my b.c ticker now states that we are less than 3 months out.

Something about addressing the invites makes it seem more real.

I’m excited, and I’m also really excited to get to see people who are coming in from out of town.   That will be a lot of fun!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This is only a test

Okay, I’m just testing this out.  New computer, new things.  This is “windows live writer” and I’m not really sure what it will do.. so it is only a test.

Where We Stand So Far

Well, we're approaching a major milestone -- three months. Today we are at 3 months, 2 days, and beginning to get to a point where things DO have to get done. And there are always the things that cannot get done until almost on top of it.

But... just to make things interesting, John and I both auditioned for a local community theatre production of "While the Lights Were Out"

So... here is our accomplishments.

1. Musicians - Check. We've met with Southern Strings and given them a deposit. Some of the songs we have chosen; however, there are a few which remain open as we have given them a CD with songs we would like but understand they may not be able to play on their instruments or learn in time for our wedding.

2. Handfasting Cords - Check. Not only have we ordered them, we've also made the box they will eventually be displayed in. YAY!

3. Flowers - kinda check. My florist is in the process of moving and will get in touch with me to go over things shortly

4. Hair - growing. My stylist said that we would have the hair trial about two weeks prior to the wedding.

Big Items Remaining.

1. Address the invites - that is planned for Friday night.

2. Print the invites, and assemble -- not sure should be soon

3. Alter the dress -- yeah... and I'm feeling horribly guilty about this one. I need to do it to get it off of my annoy me list

We're coming along at a nice clip though.. . I'm not feeling compelled to panic today.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Change of Name

Considering that the majority of this blog has been devoted to my upcoming wedding, you would probably think that this is referring to that name change. You'd be wrong.

I've been " " for about 10 years. That's a long time. However, I've sold and bought a new domain.

In many ways, it is the final severing. I bought Thewateringhole when I was very active in The Magnificent Seven Fandom. For that fandom, it's a historic site and was quite instrumental to our save the show campaign (we won a second season, btw). However, that chapter of my life is over. I have a few friends from the fandom, but we don't actually talk about the show that brought us together. I've often thought of getting a new domain, more fitting with who I am today -- but moving is a pain in the neck.

So I have a sparkly new domain, not up and running yet. But my new home on the web is