Firstly, my wrist is beginning to hurt. Not right at this moment, mind, but whenever it sees that I am forcing it to get out the invitation box, I can almost hear it screaming.
Today, I put the address on 40 (yes.. 40) of my response cards. And I put ribbons in 10 invites. Considering John had at them earlier, we have ribboned up 80 of the 100 invites. So, I think I can safely continue actually addressing tomorrow….especially since I’ll have the waxer with me.
Oh … did I mention… the envelopes themselves kinda look like an owl from Hogwarts (what with the wax seal and all). I think they are super adorable, and I probably should take a picture (for posterity, of course) and post them here.
John’s ship is coming along too. We made cannons.
Things are beginning to be checked off. I am currently not in panic mode, though my b.c ticker now states that we are less than 3 months out.
Something about addressing the invites makes it seem more real.
I’m excited, and I’m also really excited to get to see people who are coming in from out of town. That will be a lot of fun!