Sunday, March 29, 2009

And now we wait....

Okay, the annoying part about soap making. The time it takes to cure. Basically, I've poured all my soaps and have finished with them. But they must sit out and take up space for two weeks before I can do anything. The first soaps were cast on Wednesday night. The last today. Some molds take longer to set before you can de-mold. So it did take quite a bit of time to make the soap -- but they are made. But they won't be done for two weeks. April 12. (Yes, some will be done the Wednesday before that, but I didn't mark we will go with April 12 for all of them.)

But they are cute!

And John's frames are quite amazing. I can't wait for him to finish so I can post pictures. He is thinking about selling custom frames. He made the mold for the soaps -- it is slightly modified from our wedding logo, with our personal claddagh design. Note the Trinity Knots on the cuffs. That style is exclusive to us. You've possibly seen claddaghs where Trinity Knots surrounf the heart, taking the place of the hands, but I doubt you've seen one where the Trinity Knot was used to make the cuff, to look a bit like a lace cuff.
He is going to make a generic claddagh frame mold and a matching soap mold; however, it won't have the trinities. He's also thinking about designing wedding logos and creating custom frames. They *will* be more expensive though. The materials to make molds are not cheap, and creating the initial scuplt for the cast takes a lot of time. There would definitely be a design fee and a set up fee involved. Our frames are amazing, and there is a LOT of detail in them. I am very impressed with them though.

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