Friday, February 27, 2009

Wish Me Luck!

Tomorrow I'm going to challenge my nerves and audition for the local baseball team, the Montgomery Biscuits. NO.... not to play baseball. I'm auditioning to sing the National Anthem at a game. Basically, I have to go sing it for them, in the stadium -- and there's really no way to practice that accoustic until I get on the field. On the plus side, I do know the audition piece.

I wish John could come and watch, but he's got to go coach fencing (for a group that can't seem to get it into their heads that he is an employee who deserves a paycheck on time--and that is really pissing me off. I have to give up half a day with him every Saturday, the one day neither of us work, and they cannot be bothered to pay him. That means, we can't leave town Friday night and go somewhere because he has to be in town on Saturday morning.) I hope they get their act together, because we do need the money from that job -- but if they're not paying, then what's the point in working for them? Waste of energy.

Anywho -- as I was saying, wish me luck. I'm nervous. Auditions are nervewracking, even when you have a track record of success, and I do not. I got into the college choir (you do have to audition for that), and I got cast in a community theatre musical. But that's it. I don't have a super track record. But -- you have to start somewhere.

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